Pendulum Clock Movements

All of our battery operated pendulum clock movements have several things in common. They are all operated by an electro magnet that gives a pulse to a magnet on the pendulum arm, which gives the pendulum a very natural swinging motion. They also operate independently of the actual clock movement and have no effect on it. In most cases, when the battery on one of our pendulum mvts gets low, the pendulum will stop swinging so that the movement can operate a bit longer.
Two factors must always be considered when using battery operated quartz clock movement with pendulum drive. The first is the weight of the actual pendulum. Our pendulums are specifically designed to work with battery-operated movements.
If you were to substitute a pendulum from an old mechanical movement, you would probably find that the pendulum is too heavy to be operated by a battery operated movement. The second is the operating position of the mechanism. The motor must level, or perpendicular to the ground. If the movement is not properly leveled, then the pendulum may not operate properly, or at all.
When your considering repairing or replacing your pendulum, a pendulum clock mechanism kit maybe the easiest way to get back up and running.
Below, you can see some examples of how a standard pendulum MVT works.