ISI Motor

We are extremely proud to introduce to you the new "ISI" Motor/Movement. This is our economical alternative mini quartz motor and can be purchased for as low as $.99 and all mounting hardware is included at no charge! Read more...
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Quality Clock Motor
We certainly don't want the low price for this clock MVT to fool you. These MVTs are top notch quality and we back our words with action by providing the same warranty as our USA Made Clock Movements.
The ISI Clock Motor was designed specifically to compete against the mini quartz movements being sold in the industry that are cheap and of poor quality. As a manufacturer we understand that it is hard for the customer to determine quality unless they break the MVT open and evaluate the parts.
We have not compromised our quality to provide a lower cost MVT. Our customers deserve the best of both worlds. Great pricing coupled with excellent competitive pricing. Our achievement of price and quality is a direct result of over 40 Years of Clock Making, Manufacturing and Wholesaling of clock components. We know how to build great products!
We keep the same low prices as those other sites but the quality is the big difference. Many of our competitors are happy to sell motors for a very low price- but the old saying is never more true in those cases- What you pay for is what you get!
With our new motor, that is surely not the case! We have used our industry experience and our many high quality and talented sources to design a clock motor that contains the highest quality parts.
Quality Clock Parts
The key element of our manufacturing process for the ISI MVT is the internal crystal parts. These parts are instrumental in the performance of the ISI clock MVT and why we our able to back up our quality claim on this new MVT with the same warranty period as our USA motors!
We have a wonderful selection of press-on hour, minute and sweep hands for this MVT. We offer hands in either a stylish black or fanciful gold. Second hands are optional for a small additional charge.
Many of the so called "cheaper motors" available for sale on the internet usually only have one or two hand options available. With our long standing in the clock industry, has designed and tooled up the most hands in the industry. Consequently, our new motor has a large selection of hands to choose from.
In addition to getting a high quality motor for the fraction of the cost, is always available via telephone and email to help with any technical support.
Clock Making Videos has the most online videos in the industry with key tips on how to make a clock, repair clock, add pendulums, add chimes, etc... We have a great selection, excellent technical support and free video training.
We invite you to view any of our videos. If you have any suggestions on what would be a useful video, we invite you to let us know at [email protected]
Thank you for choosing and considering the World Leader in Clock Parts for Over 40 years!