Clock Stands

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Clock Stands
If you are making small desk or mantle clocks then take a look at the great selection of clock stands we offer. The black metal CD stand is perfect for CD’s of course, but it also works well with decorative ceramic tiles made into clocks. I have also seen them used with large “sand dollar”. Just use your imagination! We use this stand in our CDKIT#2.
The clear acrylic STD5 is our most popular stand. It makes the Clock Face appear to just “float” in the air. Three mounting holes make adjustments for different size dials simple. We use it in our CDKIT#3.
The CDSTD is a two piece black plastic clock stand that just “snaps” together. We use it in our CDSTD kit. Assume just under 1/8 of inch mounting thickness for all of our stands.
We offer a wide range of clock parts, training videos, product videos, and a wonderful complete clock parts catalog for our customers. Please spent some time on our website and if you have any questions please call or email us.