Clock Markers

Clock Markers
It's easy to create your own custom dial using our press on numbers! Our adhesive backed numbers can be used on almost any smooth interior surface and will stick for years.
Hubcaps, record albums, cigar boxes, tiles or slate are all good examples of items around the house that you could easily make into an accurate quartz clock. As always, is thinking quality first! Our adhesive numbers, our made in the USA and we believe they are best quality in the industry.
We carry both Arabic (regular) and Roman numbers in sets of all12 digits needed. Our number sizes range for ½” up to 4”. There is a lot of flexibility because of our wide selection of sizes.
Our adhesive backed numbers can be used with small clocks in the 3 inches or larger range, up to giant wall clocks that are 3 feet in diameter or more. It’s all about selection and with our press on numbers you are able to create an unlimited number of amazing Clock Design.
Create the special clock of your dreams NOW using our press on numbers.
If you need some creative inspiration, please feel free to email us or call our Technical Support department. We are always happy to help!